Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where to Get Cheap Auto and Home Insurance Quotes

Are you paying too much for your auto and home insurance? Follow these tips to get cheap auto and home insurance quotes.
Take Advantage of Multi-Line Discounts
If you have your auto and home insurance with different companies, you are almost definitely paying too much! Most companies offer discounts if you have both your auto and your home insurance through them. Move your auto and your home insurance to the same company and take advantage of these discounts.
Save With Other Discounts Too
In addition to the auto/home discount, you may qualify for other discounts on both your auto and home insurance. With discounts, you can save money on your premium without having to reduce your coverage. Common discounts for your auto insurance include:
* Good-student discounts
* Defensive-driving course discounts
* Three-year accident free discounts
* Safety features discounts (airbags, anti-lock brakes)
* Anti-theft discounts (burglar alarms, steering wheel locks)
Common discounts for your home insurance include:
* Security device discounts (burglar alarms, dead-bolt locks)
* Safety device discounts (smoke detectors, fire extinguishers)
* Non-smokers discounts
* Construction features discounts
* Senior citizen discounts
The more discounts you get, the cheaper your insurance, so be sure to ask your insurer about any discounts you may qualify for and include them in your policy.
Shop Around
Insurance companies are definitely not all the same. In fact, your premium can vary by hundreds of dollars from one insurance company to another. The only way to make sure you re getting the cheapest rate possible is to shop around for your auto and home insurance.
Think that means spending hours on the phone calling or visiting insurance offices? Maybe ten years ago, but not anymore. Now, you can sit in front of your computer and get insurance quotes quickly and easily.
All you have to do is go to an insurance comparison website and type in your insurance information. Before you know it, quotes from multiple insurance companies will begin to arrive for you to choose from.
On the best insurance comparison websites, you can even talk with insurance professionals and ask about additional other ways to lower you auto and home insurance rates (see link below).
Visit or click on the following link to get auto and home insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more insurance tips in their Articles section.
The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on auto and home insurance quotes.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

15 Ways To Lower Your Car Insurance

1.Shop around

The price difference between different companies can be significant. What a company may consider a high risk factor to another company may not view as so important. Insurance companies to reach a price for your car Insurance

by adding or deducting money after each answer you give to the questions they ask you. Each company has its own rules on what they consider should raise or lower your premium. Shopping around you get a better price list compare.

2.Buy a smaller group car

One of the important factors that insurance companies take into account is, of course, your vehicle. There are thousands of different vehicles on the road for companies to split up into groups. Most companies will adopt the ABI (association of British Insurers) rating group. This is divided into vehicles with up to 20 different groups. In general the higher the group classification for the vehicle, the higher your premium will be. Some companies may also combine their driving experience with the vehicle group to get a better idea of how high is the risk. This is one of the reasons why young drivers should consider buying a lower group if they want to reduce their car insurance cost.

3.Consider Only Third Party cover

A Third Party Only insurance policy is the minimum amount of coverage necessary legal -- is also the cheapest. Generally speaking you should consider opting for this type of policy if your vehicle is of little value. In the unfortunate event of having an accident, any damage to a third party vehicles will be covered but no damage to your vehicle is not. However, if your vehicle is of little value then you can not be too concerned. There can be worth paying extra for a comprehensive policy that these circumstances.

4.Maintain good credit and more rating

More insurance companies are adopting techniques credit score as part of the overall calculation of their insurance premium car . By maintaining a good credit history you can avoid any additional premium that companies add to their price for having a bad credit score.

5.Buy in web

Many insurance providers now offer some good discounts to buy the policy through Internet. The theory is that when you buy your insurance online, you are saving money to the company telesales that do not require time and free agent incur telephone charges. This savings is passed to you in the form of discount for buying online. If you have prices over the phone again prove its listing on its website, you may be surprised at how much cheaper than a higher is.

6.Have voluntary excess

During the process of trading was asked how much voluntary excess you want. Insurance companies are generally required to include an amount in excess in politics, but give the opportunity to increase this if you wish. The more excess volunteers the bottom of your premium should be. However, if a claim, you have to pay a higher amount itself, until the total amount of excess at its annual policy.

7.Reduce its mileage

How many miles you a year ago is an issue that can affect your car insurance premium. The more miles you do the more your premium is likely to be. Quote systems and telephone agents often suggest an amount of miles for you. Try to work and how many miles you really do. It may not be less than the amount proposed. Of course, you should always give an honest answer to this and other questions.

8.Keep a clean record

This driving may be easier said than done. However, having little or, preferably, not driving convictions, can avoid being penalized by increasing their insurance premium car. Getting caught speeding by a fine is often not the only financial penalty you incur. Insurance companies take very seriously all driving convictions and usually is an important part of their qualification process. You can expect an increase in the cost of insurance if you do get caught driving with a suspended sentence, so it pays to a safe place driver.

9.Keep claim free

This clear links with the number 8 above. The biggest factor affecting the cost of your auto insurance premium is the number of claims No bonus years you have. Not Full Claims Bono is generally regarded by most companies to be five years or more, this can give you big discounts, in some cases up to 75%. Being a safe driver and avoiding potential claims from traffic accidents, in order to qualify for the establishment of their claim number free years. Each of the Bonds Claims No year of arrival, the lower your car insurance costs should be. Some companies give you the option to pay a little more to her cousin to protect your No Claims Bonus.

10.Be realistic about the value of its car

Most of us have an exaggerated opinion as to what our car is worth. When asked about the value of their vehicle during the process of trading insurance, individuals often state an amount that is unrealistic and above the actual value of the car. People do this because we believe that this is what we are going to come back from the insurance company in the event of a claim. The reality is that the company only pays for what the car is worth at the time of the claim and not what you said of the event. In fact, giving a high value and unrealistic, you can increase your car insurance premium, since it is often a factor that affects their final price.

11.Remove called unnecessary drivers

Additional drivers in its policy usually means a higher premium. A lot of people who add an extra number of drivers in politics only if the person has to drive the car. However, after all these drivers will push up the cost. For only nominate drivers on the policy that finally the car driver, you can lower the final cost. If you find that an anonymous driver required to drive the vehicle then most companies will allow you to temporarily add a new driver for a small cost.

12.Improve his car security

Theft and your vehicle are important considerations when insurance companies calculate their price. Most companies will give you a discount for having better security of your vehicle. An alarm immobilizer and usually attract a small discount at the same time have a tracker device installed may give a further reduction. Some companies may insist on having such devices installed on more expensive cars and desirable that even before considering the possibility of offering a price.

13.Take an advanced driving test

Although not compulsory, taking an advanced driving test can not only improve their skills to drive but also help reduce your car insurance premium. Some companies welcome to those who have taken the advanced test and highlighting the commitment to drive safely, thus reducing the possibility of having an engine accident.

14.Pay her cousin in one go

By pay for insurance your car all at once, can avoid paying additional interest will be added to that if you choose to pay by instalments. The interest charges can be very important, so if your finances allow, you can save a good amount of money for payment of the whole lot in advance. In some cases, companies may even give a small discount to this.

15.Get married

Okay so this may seem like a dramatic final way to reduce your premium. However, a number of insurance companies offer lower premiums when their drivers are insured and spouse as opposed to two unmarried drivers. Some companies believe that this shows an element of stability that is a hallmark of safer drivers and give him a discount on this basis.

Copyright 2004 OK Direct Limited

Andrew Bowen is the CEO of CityView Media who own and run National injury claims, Insurance Compare OK and direct insurance car.

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