Sunday, April 6, 2008

Where to Get Low Cost Health Insurance in Ohio

Thanks to rising medical costs, health insurance rates are ever high. But there are places where you can get cheap health insurance and insurance ohio.
health in ohio
the first thing you need to consider when considering health insurance in the state of Ohio are the types of insurance that are available. There are four basic plans:
1. Health maintenance organizations) hmos) - These plans set you up with a network of doctors and hospitals that provide health care for you. You must choose a primary health-care physician, who oversees the care of your own, you refer to the specialists, and you only allows doctors to see inside network.
hmos is the cheapest of all health-care plans. The low participation in pay, usually $ 5 to $ 10 per doctor visit, and involve the least amount of paperwork.
2. Preferred provider organizations (ppos) - similar to hmos, these plans set you up with a network of health care providers, but unlike for the hmos have seen specialists within the network without getting permission from primary care physician your own. If you see non-network doctor might have to pay the bill for yourself and for the submission reimbursement.
ppos cost of a little more than a hmos and co-payments average $ 5 to $ 10 per doctor visit.
3. Point of service plans (poss) - These plans also set you up with a network of health care providers, but, for an additional fee, you can see a doctor who is not part of the network.
poss generally more of the cost of ppos but is more flexible . Co-payments average $ 5 to $ 10 per visit.
4. Compensation plans - these plans let you choose your own doctor and the hospital, and you can visit any specialist you choose. You pay for the discount, usually $ 500 to $ 1000, you should begin before the insurance company to pay claims. After you pay your deductible, your company will pay more than your medical bill, typically 80%, and you pay the remaining 20%.
indemnity plans is the most expensive health-care plans and involve more than the amount paperwork.
cheap ohio
in health insurance in order to obtain the best price on your health insurance policy needed to compare the prices of different companies. The fastest way to do so is to secure the site visit comparison where you not only access to multiple rate quotes, and will be able to get the advice of insurance experts who can help you find the best policy for your needs. It is fast, it& 39;s easy, and that free.
visit or click on the following link for Ohio health insurance quotes from top companies to assess and see how you can save a lot. You can get more tips from insurance companies in articles section.
the author, Brian Stevens, the former insurance agent and financial adviser who wrote a number of articles on health insurance in the state of Ohio.

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